Profile of a Graduate
Upon successful completion of the educational program at Holy Redeemer High School, students will demonstrate:

Spiritual Development:
Forming a moral compass, founded on the Gospel, to help guide decisions, knowing the inextricable link between actions and consequences
Understanding their responsibility to serve others selflessly
Living and expressing the values and beliefs congruent with their Catholic identity as productive, responsible, faith-filled leaders in their parishes and communities.
Fostering a meaningful relationship with God and have a rich understanding of their faith

Intellectual Development:
Exhibiting proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, listening
Exhibiting proficiency in mathematical computations and problem-solving applications
Acquiring critical thinking skills and metacognition as an independent and life-long learner
Being critical and creative thinkers who communicate clearly and exercise strong moral judgements
Using technology methodically and ethically as both consumer and producer
Gaining an understanding and appreciation for the arts

21st Century Preparedness:
Recognizing and respecting diversity and the worth and uniqueness of each person, including self
Being prepared citizens who make informed, faith-filled, ethical, moral and political decisions designed to meet the challenges of our changing and competitive society.